Sock Care 101: The Essential Guide to Keeping Your Feet Happy
Hey there, sock lovers! It’s about time we talked about how to care for those comfortable foot covers of yours. Day after day, socks work hard to keep our feet warm, cushioned, and blister-free. Don’t they deserve some love and attention in return?
With this information, you can extend the life of your socks and maintain their softness, like bunny fur. By following the sock care guidelines, you will never again be subjected to pairs that are discolored and drooping. Your feet will appreciate it.
Stop Throwing Socks In With Your Laundry
Sock Club’s first rule is to wash them separately from the rest of your stuff. It’s tempting to throw them in with your t-shirts and jeans, but don’t! Socks gather lint and become roughed up in the wash when washed with other clothing.
Instead, use a mesh bag specifically for socks. This keeps them together without causing any damage. If you’re feeling particularly daring, simply wash your socks in a load every now and then to pamper them.

Flip Those Socks Inside Out
Always turn your socks inside out before washing them. This keeps the outside fibers smooth and pill-free for much longer. Clipping sock pairs together before flipping is a simple tip that saves time later on matching!
Cold Water Is A Sock's BFF
Use cold water for washing, preferably about 30°C if your machine allows you to do so. The heat from hot water can damage the flexibility of socks and cause shrinkage over time.
To be safe, certain extremely fragile socks may require a cold hand wash. Cold water, on the other hand, is a sure bet for keeping most socks looking great for as long as possible.
Harsh Detergents Are A No-No
Skip the strong laundry detergents when it comes to your socks! They have the potential to prematurely fade colors and wear down fabric. Choose a mild soap or a wool-safe detergent. Only use a minimal amount to clean socks without causing harm.
While we’re at it, bleach and fabric softener should also be avoided. Colors will fade with bleach, and softener will diminish the wicking properties that athletic socks require.
Hang Dry Is Ideal
Laying or hanging your freshly laundered socks flat is the easiest way to let them dry. Drying at high temperatures might degrade the elastic and the fibers over time. If you must use the dryer, dry it gently on low heat.
However, air drying ensures that they retain their shape and remain as silky as a kitten’s fur. It takes a little more time, but your socks are worth it!
Just Say No To The Iron
Ironing socks is a big no-no in my book for two reasons. Two reasons make ironing hosiery an absolute no-no in my opinion. First, it’s a waste of time for something that moves on your feet. Second, sock fibers are prone to burning when ironed hot. It’s not worth damaging your socks just to flatten them!

Fold Properly—Rolling Is The Devil
Take a moment to fold socks nicely before storing them in drawers. Skipping this step and simply balling them up can cause the ankles to stretch out over time. Folding keeps the flexibility that allows the fabric to wrap your feet perfectly.
So there you have it—my best advice on how to maintain the best possible condition for socks! Your footies will stay comfortable in fresh socks for many uses with a little TLC and following my care advice. Give your socks the attention they deserve, and they will return the favor.